Copper Ore

Quality Copper Ores

Mining our copper ores from Tanzania’s most prosperous and high-quality resources, we are pioneering the new knowledge and quality of our copper ores.


Copper is mainly found in mines in the form of ores, which have less than 1% of copper in it. At first, there are copper sulfides and copper oxides are extracted from mines, and then both go through pyrometallurgy and hydrometallurgy, respectively, due to their differences in chemical compositions.
Ursa Minerals and Resource Limited have been extracting copper ore for more than a decade and have achieved perfection in our work. We make sure that every single consignment of copper ore gets to our clients and partners in time. We set aside all the lower-quality ores and only mine the ores that have abundant amounts of copper in them. While copper oxides are less expensive to mine but have a lower quantity of copper in them, we choose to mine copper sulfide as well, which is a little expensive in comparison to oxides. Still, customer satisfaction and on-time deliveries are more important to us.

Development And Technology

Ursa Minerals has adopted some of the most advanced modern technologies in our mining ventures, giving us an advantage in the high production and quality of our copper ores. Acquiring the land for mining copper and delivering it to our partners in time is our priority. Each and every person working for us in our mines is involved in improving our reach. We have significantly increased our production and mining of copper ores from our large and abundant lands filled with quality copper sulfide. Most of the copper mined from our fields is delivered to our clients, and what is left is mainly used in our refineries to be converted into copper cathodes. We are trying to gain access to pipelines of Greenland and Brownfield projects as well in order to increase our production rate. Just due to political, environmental, and social issues, our ventures are slowing down. Still, soon enough our projects will be completed, and our projects are going to be much more efficient than our competitors. As the ore quality is declining due to high consumption and over-mining in many areas, our copper ores still hold that quality and state we were providing before. There was a time a time when copper ores contained at least 2 to 3% copper in them now, it’s left to only 1%, but we strive to mine those ores that are completely high-quality and provide it to our clients in time. Many of our competitors have chosen to mine copper ore that has less than 1% of copper and provide it to their clients, leading to suffering more water and electricity usage over time to take the copper out. Specifically, we believe coarse particle recovery, sulfide leaching, and process optimization with machine learning—have the potential to close a significant portion of the supply-demand gap. We are always making sure to complete our clients’ requirements for our services in mining copper ores from our abundant mines. Trust our services and mineral qualities, choose us as your partners in future ventures, and join hands for more profit.