Development And Technology
Making sure of our dominant approach to the advancement of high-tech machinery, we are raising the standards of high-quality materials for our clients. Our machine learning technology improves day by day in order to achieve perfection in automating our tasks a thousandfold.
Our excavation sites are mainly equipped with LiDAR and advanced GPS-related technology known as Chirp. This technology enables us to get a larger location awareness. It provides us with the locations and distance between mines, machinery, and vehicles.
LiDAR is the most advanced piece of technology we use to map out all of our mining sites and extract the optimal value from the minerals found in the area. Our workers and employees operate in hazardous environments, such as mines and caves, where the possibility of collapse exists at any moment. These technologies enable us to pinpoint each bedrock in the location and implement countermeasures for a safe work process.
Real-time monitoring provides us with a significant advantage in overseeing both our assets and the safety of our workers. When it comes to extracting high-quality minerals from pits and mines, these imaging robotics have proven to be exceptionally effective for us. Additionally, we harness the power of IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) sensors to maximize the extraction of minerals from the ground. These sensors are interconnected with our upstream management systems, allowing us to address location issues and monitor the work processes of our machinery.